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Contact Lens Health Week

It is contact lens health week! We are here to remind all contact lens wearers that proper wear and care is so important to help protect your eyes. Using CDC guidelines, we will go over what you need to know to ensure you stay away from eye infections.

Always wash and dry your hands. Before touching your lenses and your eyes be sure to thoroughly wash your hands.  DO NOT use hand sanitizer! Dry your hands using a lint free towel so that fibers do not adhere to the lenses.

Never sleep in your contacts. We recommend removing your lenses nightly to prevent eye infections. 

Stay away from water. Avoid wearing your lenses while showering, swimming or while using a hot tub.  You should never store your lenses in water, always use contact lens solution recommended by your eye care provider. Water can carry bacteria which can adhere to your lenses causing eye infections. 

Clean your lenses and take care of your case. Always rub and rinse your contact lenses using solution recommended by your eye care provider.  Never use water or saliva! Always use fresh solution from the bottle. You should also rinse your contact lens case everyday using solution and replace your case every 3 months.

Visit your eye doctor yearly. Conact lens prescriptions are good for 1 year.  It is important to have your eyes and contact lenses checked to ensure they are still fitting properly and are not causing any damage to your eyes. Take out your contacts and call your eye doctor if you have eye pain, red eyes, or blurred vision.

Always be prepared. You should always have eyeglasses as backup.  Never rely on just having contacts in case you cannot wear them or they become damaged or lost.

When it comes to wearing contacts, healthy habits mean healthy eyes. Make sure to follow these helpful tips to prevent eye infections. You only have one pair of eyes, so take care of them! 

For more information visit:

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